Futures Markets
Electronic US T-Note 5 Year (CBOT)
Contract Sym Prev  Open  High  Low  Last Trade  Chg  Settle  Last Update
5 YR US TREA... Sep 24 @FV4U  109'20.8  109'21.3  110'02.8  109'21.3  109'31.0  0'07.3  109'28.0s  3:56P Sep 06
5 YR US TREA... Dec 24 @FV4Z  110'05.0  110'05.5  110'20.8  109'25.0  110'13.0  0'08.0  110'13.0s  3:59P Sep 06
5 YR US TREA... Mar 25 @FV5H  110'15.0          0'08.0  110'23.0s  2:03P Sep 06
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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  109'31.0
Change:  0'07.3
Bid:  109'00.0
Ask:  110'09.0
Today's High:  110'02.8
Today's Low:  109'21.3
Volume:  1,298
Open:  109'21.3
Settle:  109'28.0s
Prev:  109'20.8
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Sep-06-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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Posted at Friday, September 6, 2024 11:09AM CDT
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